Monday 14 May 2012

Difference Between Array and Arraylist in C#

Array vs ArrayList in C#:

Here is the picture:
Array allows to store a series of value.ArrayList allows to store a collection of value.
Values in array must be of same data type.Values can be of different data types.
Array is a datatype.ArrayList is a datatype collection.
Array size, once declared, can not be changed at run time.ArrayList allows dynamic resizing.
Array is strongly typed.ArrayList is not strogly type. That why it can store any data type.
Arrays are layed out contiguoumemory.Internal structure of ArrayList is array.
Values can be retrieve to the declareddatatype of the array. ex:
int[]  intArr=new int[5];
int i=intArr[1];
Values must be converted to a string, because there is no way to be certain what it is. ex:
string item=Convert.ToString(myLst[0]);
FasterSlower than array
Better when efficiency is matter and number of elements  is known.Better when number of elements is not known.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Create Records in CRM 2011 using JavaScript


Create Records in CRM 2011 From JavaScript Soap Service
